How to claim DBR to Bitget exchange
A guide to help you claim DBR directly to your Bitget account
Claim DBR in your Bitget account
Head over to and connect your eligible wallet.
Click on "Claim off-chain to CEX." If you are in the top 10% of the wallets, you can choose "claim 50% with bonus" or "claim fast with penalty" as desired.
Next, click on "Sign Terms & Conditions." Select "Bitget" exchange, enter the UID and Solana wallet address, and click on "Confirm" as shown below.
Read the T&C and finally sign the transaction. DBR will be available on your Bitget account by the moment of listing.
How to find your UID and Solana wallet address on Bitget
Follow the below steps to find your UID and Solana wallet address on Bitget Exchange. Please note that the below option is only valid when viewed on the desktop version of Bitget.
Login to your Bitget account, click on the "My Profile" icon, and copy the UID as shown below.
Click on "Deposit," select "SOL" as the asset, "Solana" as the chain, and copy the Solana wallet address. Alternatively, you can use this link with pre-selected asset and chain:
Last updated